You can find part 1 to this video, that I made a while ago here:
[Video Lesson] How to say Hello in Japanese
Video Vocabulary:
1) Ja ne - See you later
2) a) Ittekimasu - I'll be home soon
2) b) Itterasshai - Come home soon!
3) Bai bai - Bye bye
4) Oyasumi - Goodnight
5) Sayonara - Goodbye
6) Shitsureishimasu - Excuse me
7) Abayo - See ya
Pretty cool video I really like how you show everything in context and you mention what kind of people would say such words. Otherwise it would just be like memorizing a dictionary.
You are a really good teacher! I take notes as I watch the video and it really helps the way you explain everything.
best teacher , love how you break it down, and explain whereor what time this words are used
This is awesome… it’s nice to finally get a start in Japanese
I am afraid that the comedic factor is overwhelming… I cant even stop laughing long enough to pay attention… yet…somehow after only one listen I feel like if I were to be tested on the actual material… I could rock it! You are totally amazing! I REALLY enjoyed this video and look forward to many many more (free) ones haha ;) and for those of you that have the $$$ please buy the course… it is probably super easy to fallow and enjoyable….so jealous of those that have access to it !!!
This looks like an excellent way to start off learning Japanese (learned a little of the language 12 years ago but have lost most of it including 60 or so kanji). Hope to re-learn the little I had long ago, and more. One thing I notice when watching samurai movies or dramas is how differently Japanese is pronounced in them; for example: women usually say watashi ya vs wa, men seem to say desu kai vs ka. Fun stuff, .. hey, keep up the great work, Ken! Some of the most informing and entertaining instructional videos I’ve ever seen! Cheers! .. or, is that Kanpai!
Yay! I love your videos!! I was so excited to find something like this, because I’m an otaku and it’s wonderful and blah blah blah… I was so happy to find some words in their I already knew, it really helped me feel like I was improving!
Oh my gosh, this was hilarious! I had to pause the video several times to get over my laughing fit. I will definitely not say ja na so as to avoid looking like a crazy muscle woman! X-D Thanks for the awesome lesson!
You make learning Japanese sooooo much more fun than some book.
This is probably the most entertaining Japanese lesson I’ve ever come across! ありがとうございます!! (I hope I did that correctly haha)
I lived in Japan for 6 years and I learned a lot from this video! Great job!
I really love these lessons you are giving. When I took Japanese class, it was always hard to learn, no necessarily because of the language being hard, but because the teacher is always like a strict Japanese women so I was always worried about getting it wrong and it gives me a lot of anxiety. I wish there was a teacher like you teaching Japanese in schools.
I love these videos, i cant wait to learn just enough that the subtitle tutor will help me even more so, i want to thank you so much for sharing this fun and not to mention free way of learning Japanese, to think i was considering $400 on a Rosetta Stone
Honestly, the best Japanese lessons I have ever gotten. So simple, yet so descriptive. Thanks a ton man, Anime is soon to get much more enjoyable!!! Arigato ! _
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